Legal Notices

CGI FINANCE is a brand of the Société Générale Group made available to CGL, Compagnie Générale de Location d’Equipements S.A., a finance institution incorporated under French law under company n° Lille Métropole 303 236 186 and having its registered office at 69 avenue de Flandre, 59708 Marcq-en-Baroeul, France. CGL is a subsidiary of the Société Générale Group and is regulated by the Banque de France.


1. Please read carefully

By accessing this website and viewing it you accept all of the General Terms and Conditions of Use defined hereafter, without limitation. If you do not agree with all or part of these conditions, you must refrain from accessing and using this website. CGL reserves the right to add to or amend these provisions at any time. We therefore invite you to read these General Terms and Conditions every time you visit the website.

2. Copyright

The content of the website including its design, its organisation and its presentation are the property of CGL and/or third parties and are protected by copyright or any other intellectual property rights. You are expressly prohibited from reproducing, modifying, distributing in any form whatsoever, in whole or in part, any document, data, drawing, photograph and more generally any component of the website that may be protected by an intellectual property right. You are authorised to download, display and print the content of this website solely for personal and non-commercial ends.

3. Trademark

The trademarks and logos included on this website (“CGI Finance”) are registered trademarks, which belong to CGL, affiliated companies or third parties. Nothing on this website may be interpreted as a transfer of any kind of right over these trademarks, without prior written authorisation from CGL or the third party in question

4. Links to other websites (hypertext links)

CGL shall not incur any liability with regard to the content, the data included, or the products or services available by following any hypertext links from to other websites or the consequences of their use. If you decide to access external websites, you do so under your own responsibility. Any creation of a hypertext link to the website requires prior written authorisation from CGL.

5. Limitation of liability

In spite of the efforts taken to verify and update the information put online on the website, CGL cannot guarantee that it is accurate or exhaustive. Therefore, CGL cannot incur any liability due to information that is false, inaccurate or incomplete or for the results that may be obtained due to the use, even in part, of such information. In no event may CGL be considered as liable for any direct or indirect damage that may result from viewing this site, in particular and without limitation, any financial prejudice, loss of data or interruption of business.

6. Collection of Personal Data

In its capacity as data processor, the Lender carries out processing of your personal data for the purposes described in the paragraph “Purposes and Legal Basis for Processing the Data” below (the “Purpose”). The Lender has appointed a Personal Data Protection Officer (“DPO”).

Personal data are any information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify a natural person (surname, first name, postal or electronic address, telephone number, customer number, etc.). The processing of personal data applied by the Lender is aimed, in particular, at collecting, recording, structuring and using personal data (“data”) regarding you. In relation to the Purpose, the Lender processes data regarding your identity and personal, professional, economic, financial and banking position and, where required, that of the members of your household.

The data is mandatory and required by the Lender to decide whether to enter into the Agreement with you. If all necessary information is not provided to the Lender then the Lender will not be able to enter into the Agreement. Any false or unlawful declaration may be subject to specific processing to prevent and manage irregularities.

How are the Data Collected?

The data processed by the Lender are collected as follows: – directly from you by means of forms or through the Lender’s exclusive UK broker and the personnel of the Lender ; or – from third-parties: (i) to check your identity and credit status and help the Lender assess its lending risks and decide to enter into the Agreement with you, Credit Reference Agencies and Fraud Prevention Agencies are consulted by the Lender’s exclusive UK broker and data regarding you are at that time collected, and (ii) the Lender researches and collects from third-party organisations (private databases, etc.) data regarding you in order to carry out checks in the context of its obligations to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and the application of financial penalties.

Purposes and Legal Basis for Processing Data

The data and data that may already be held by the Lender and information collected at a later date are processed for the Purposes described in the following table. Processing is carried out on the legal bases defined in the same table.

The legal bases are (i) compliance by the Lender with a legal, regulatory or administrative obligation (the law obliges the Lender to process the data) or (ii) the performance of pre-contractual measures required to conclude the Agreement (the pre-contractual measures and the associated processing of data are required by the Lender to make its decision to accept to enter into the Agreement with you or otherwise) or (iii) the performance of the Agreement (it would be impossible for the Lender to perform the Agreement without processing the data) or (iv) the Lender pursuing its legitimate interests (the data are processed in particular in order to satisfy the commercial and economic interests of the Lender subject to the rights and your fundamental interests) or (v) the consent granted to the Lender by you for the processing of your data for one or more specific purposes that require such consent.

Purpose Legal Basis
  • Your identification: collecting and verifying proof of identity and proof of address and activity.
  • Preventing and handling situations of over-indebtedness.
  • Managing defined payment incidents and declaring these incidents.
  • Communication by the Lender to the authorised companies of the Société Générale Group and the authorised inspection, supervisory, administrative, fiscal or legal authorities, in particular for the purposes of operational risk management, supervisory reports and financial auditing, and to prevent money laundering and financing terrorism, and for the application of financial penalties or to comply with legal requisitions.
The Lender’s legal, regulatory or administrative obligations
  • Studying requests for financing, assessing, selecting and managing credit risks and risks of bankruptcy, preparing statistical models, deciding to grant or refusing to grant financing.
Performing pre-contractual measures required to enter into the Agreement
  • Preparing and managing any real or personal guarantees required by the Lender during the conclusion of the Agreement.
  • Management operations (Agreement, claims, etc.), customer relations, managing and preventing payment incidents and recovery.
  • Updating the data already held by the Lender following their updating by you.
Performance of the Agreement
  • Operations to prevent and manage irregularities.
  • Processing electronic document management: processing consisting of digitising the documents related to the Agreement to facilitate their consultation by the staff responsible for managing the Agreement.
  • Marketing operations, including by electronic means (email and/or text), carried out by the Lender and addressed to you (unless you object by sending an email to the address given below) in order to offer you similar products and services to those covered by the Agreement.
  • The Lender performing enquiries and surveys in order to collect your opinion and feedback regarding the Lender’s products and services, organisation and management of competitions and prize draws and the assignment, rental or exchange of customer files.
  • Recording and monitoring of your telephone calls with the Lender’s staff to allow the Lender to improve the quality of its services and to train and assess its personnel.
Allowing the Lender to pursue its legitimate interests
  • Communication pursuant to the provisions of the Professional Secrecy clause below: – to the entities of the Société Générale Group and the Lender’s other banking partners that are subject to professional secrecy of data required to perform the Purposes listed in the aforementioned clause. – to the Lender’s business partners of data for the purposes of monitoring business relations and marketing, including by electronic means (email and/or text), subject to your agreement given by ticking the marketing and professional secrecy boxes above.
Consent given by you

Who are the Recipients of the Data?

The data is intended for the Lender and its departments and staff within the limits of their duties and the necessary limits for performing the Purposes described above.

In the context of complying with its legal, regulatory or administrative obligations, the Lender may communicate the data to the authorised companies from the Société Générale Group and the authorised inspection, supervisory, administrative, fiscal or legal authorities in particular for the purposes of operational risk management, supervisory reports and financial auditing, and to prevent money laundering and financing terrorism and for the application of financial penalties or to comply with legal requisitions.

The Lender may communicate the data to its subcontractors and agents within the limits required for the performance of the Purposes. In this context, the data may be transferred to subcontractors located in countries that are not members of the European Economic Area. In such case, in order to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data, a specific and demanding contractual framework shall determine the conditions for the work performed by such subcontractors. This contractual framework is based either on an adequacy decision by the European Commission or on the standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Professional Secrecy clause below, the Lender may communicate the data to entities of the Société Générale Group and other banking partners subject to professional secrecy.

Subject to the consent given by you, who are signatories to the Agreement, by ticking the appropriate boxes above, their data shall be sent to the Lender’s business partners for marketing purposes, including by electronic means (email and/or text).

Duration of Retention of Your Data

In the event that financing is granted, your data shall be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship plus applicable periods of limitation. If no financing is granted, your data shall be kept for 14 months.

Any recordings of telephone conversations with the Lender’s personnel shall be kept for no more than 6 months.

Your Rights

In the event that financing is refused by the Lender, you may ask for a meeting in order to make remarks. To do so, you must send your request to the address below.

You have the following rights:  

– a right to access: enabling you to obtain the confirmation of the data processed by the Lender;

– a right to rectification: enabling you to ask for the correction and updating of your data;

– a right to erasure: enabling you to request the deletion of your data if (i) your data is no longer required for the Purposes or (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on which the processing is based or (iii) you objected to the processing for reasons relating to a specific situation and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing or (iv) you objected to the processing of your data for marketing purposes or (v) your data have been subject to illicit processing or (vi) your data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation that is provided for by European Union law or French law;

– a right to restriction of processing: enabling you to obtain from the Lender a suspension of the processing of data if (i) the accuracy of your data is disputed by you, during the period required by the Lender to verify the accuracy of the data or (ii) the processing is unlawful and you object to the erasure of the data and instead require a restriction on the use thereof or (iii) the Lender no longer needs your data for the purposes of processing but your data are still required by you for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or (iv) you objected to the processing following a verification as to whether the legitimate grounds of the processing pursued by the Lender override your rights;

– a right to data portability: enabling you to receive the data in a structured format or to ask for your data to be directly transferred to another data processor. This right is restricted to data provided by you, which is processed by the Lender by automated means (paper files are therefore excluded) in the context of the performance of the Agreement or when the processing depends on your consent. Any data created by the Lender, such as a customer or contract number or a customer profile and any processing implemented by the Lender to meet its regulatory obligations and for its legitimate interest (for example marketing) are excluded from this right to data portability;

– a right to object: enabling you, for reasons relating to a specific situation, to object to the processing of your data. You may also object, at no cost, to the use of your data for marketing purposes, including by electronic means.

The above rights may be exercised by writing to CGL, Pôle PDCP, 69 Avenue de Flandre, 59700 Marcq-en-Barœul, France or by email sent to For security reasons, any request you make must be accompanied by a copy of document proving your identity. In order to allow for your request to be processed efficiently, you are asked to clearly indicate the right(s) you wish to exercise and any information that may facilitate your identification (i.e. the loan agreement number).

By virtue of the provisions of Article 40-1 of French law 78.17 of 6 January 1978 regarding computing, files and freedoms [the French equivalent to the Data Protection Act], you have the right to define conditions that will apply to the archiving, removal and communication of your data after your demise.

In relation to data processed in the context of the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, any right of access to such data must be exercised by contacting the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).

You may also withdraw your consent if the processing of your data depends solely on consent, it being understood that your withdrawal may make it impossible for the Lender to provide the product or service required or subscribed to.

For more information about your rights, you consult the CNIL website on the following address: You also have the right to file a complaint with the CNIL.


Pursuant to Article L. 511-33 of the French Monetary and Financial Code (Code Monétaire et Financier), the Lender is subject to professional secrecy.

This secrecy is however waived when the Lender is required to comply with legal, regulatory or administrative obligations. Your personal and financial data referred to above may also be communicated by the Lender to judiciary, administrative, fiscal or auditing and supervisory authorities and the authorised companies of the Société Générale Group, in particular for the purposes of operational risk management, supervisory reports and financial auditing, and to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and for the application of financial sanctions or to comply with judicial requisitions.

By virtue of Article L. 511-33 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, the Lender may share your data with, in particular, brokers and insurers who are partners with the Lender for the purposes of subscription to, and the performance and management of any insurance policies that may be taken out by you as well as any claims, its subcontractors, ombudsmen and officers of the court, judicial officers, representatives and service providers working on recovery operations.

You also expressly authorise the Lender to communicate to the entities of the Société Générale Group and its banking partners, subject to professional secrecy, your personal and financial data covered by professional secrecy and data regarding your identity, your application for finance, its study, its granting and its management, the assessment and prevention of lending risks and the prevention of outstanding payments, within the limits required for the following purposes: updating any of your data in the Lender’s possession, managing customer relations, studying requests for financing, the assessment, selection and management of our lending risks and risks of default, preparing statistical models, managing our financing and preventing outstanding payments, carrying out enquiries, surveys and marketing operations, including by electronic means, if you have given your consent to the latter. A list of the aforementioned Société Générale Group entities and banking partners may be communicated to you if you send a simple request to the Lender. You have the option to withdraw your consent to share personal data at any time.

Finally, subject to your express agreement by ticking the boxes to this effect in your loan agreement, you expressly authorise the Lender to communicate your personal and financial data covered by professional secrecy to its partners within the limits required for the following purposes: monitoring business relations and marketing, including by electronic means if you have given your consent. You have the option to withdraw your consent to share personal data at any time.

7. Cookies

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